The Southern Lizard Canary club was formed in 1998 and duly celebrated its 20th Anniversary with its "All Lizard Show" held at Wendover on November 25th .The Committee had put on an extensive Specials list and were rewarded with an excellent entry of 163 Lizards. Quality of the exhibits were of a uniformly high standard, with few birds showing serious faults.
The Champion section was an even lot, but was headed by two Gold Lizards of exception quality, Best Champion was Norman Riddle and Tony Pages' superb Broken Capped Gold Cock, possessing silky feather quality , dark markings and clear and precise spangle which showed ideal taper as it extended down the back . added to this was well defined eyebrow which is an area that many, otherwise faultless exhibition Lizards fail in nowadays . This bird was faultlessly presented and went on to become Best Lizard In Show. A notable achievement .
The Gold cock was pushed all the way by Stan Boltons Broken Capped Gold Hen, not a big exhibit ,but brimming with quality, nice feather, excellent spangle, and well defined rowings. In my view a little down in ground colour which became the major factor when it came up for the Specials against the eventual winning Gold Cock . I made this bird Second Best in Show an excellent exhibit.
Third Best Lizard,and Best Novice was Tony Hortons Broken Capped Gold Hen , a very similar type of exhibit to the leading Champion Birds ,not overly large but well defined spangle, good feather and well presented ,it suffered from losing its linage on one shoulder when the final placings were made but was a worthy representative of a very good Novice Section.
Fourth Best Lizard , A Clear capped Silver Hen owned by Mr Santa Anna, broad beamed back, good spangle and profuse breastwork ,a little down in ground colour, unfortunately it lost the linage of some of its spangle when it came to the final placings, but never the less a fine exhibit which went on to get Best Silver in Show.
Fifth Best Lizard , A nice Non Capped Gold Cock ,good colour, nice broad head, good spangle , dark flights and tail . Best Non Cap in Show, owned by Noel Sidney
While it is not possible to list all the excellent Lizards which caught my eye, mention must be made of Stan Boltons Clear Cap Gold which was Best Champion Clear cap ,a bird which showed early promise but came up against some excellent Broken Capped Golds later during judging.
It was a very enjoyable days work, and I would like to thank my Stewards ,the Officials of the SLCC and the excellent Lunch presented by Rachel Canvin and Janet Record thank you all ,and well done to all the exhibitors for a very competitive exhibition.
John Martin, Judge

Norman Riddle of Riddle & Page with SLCC Chairman John Martin