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South Bucks Breeders Association 2019


I was happily surprised when I arrived at show hall in Hazelmere that I had 88 Lizards in front of me, the majority being colour fed. In the colour fed section the quality and standard differed immensely from bird to bird, in addition I encountered  birds that had been entered into the wrong classes cocks in hen classes and vice versa.  In the champion section a lovely clear cap Gold cock caught my eye along with a broken cap silver hen. The Gold cock benched by Stan Bolton though was of better quality and took best champion colour fed in show. In the novice section there was only ever going to one winner and that was a broken cap Gold cock bred by Tony Horton, this Lizard really shone and was steady with great ground colour lovely feather quality and a true spangle, this bird went onto to take Best Colour fed Lizard in show. Tony Horton’s Lizards are certainly right up there with the best on the show circuit this year and his winning Lizard went on be  awarded best Novice Canary in show. To round off the day for Tony in the Non Colour fed section another Broken cap Gold cock headed the field, making this a highly successful show for the man from Buckinghamshire .At the show I was always mindful of the passing of a great South Bucks canary man, Brian Hogg and it was so fitting that this show was dedicated to his memory. A gentleman of the fancy.

Judge J Record


LCA Classic show 2019


Alex Macleans broken cap Gold hen took the premier award at the recent LCA classic show at Roade in Northamptonshre. This bird had deep ground colour, an exhibition spangle and a steadiness that caught the eye, a worthy winner. Alex was also awarded third best by Judge David Allen Second best was Daniel Richmond’s clear cap gold hen, which also took best champion. In fourth place was Dave Newton’s broken cap gold cock. Fifth best was Tony Horton's  clear cap silver hen. The only silver that was in the top five

Tony Hortons non cap gold Hen was awarded best non colour fed Lizard in show. Although entries were slightly down from previous years the day went extremely well and was enjoyed by all.


Observational View by John Record


 East Sussex National Bird Show held on 7th December 2019 at Grovelands School, Hailsham 


The Show had been awarded Club Show Patronage by the Southern Lizard Canary Club, and were rewarded by a good entry of 42 Lizards ,although on the day there were several absentees ,but that did not detract from the quality of the exhibits on show . Best in show ,and Best Champion Lizard  was a Broken Capped Gold Cock from the stud of Daniel Richmond, this bird looked superb all through the mornings Judging , lovely Spangle, excellent feather quality and ground colour, good sound flights benched in first class condition. It was no surprise to me that  this bird went on to become Best Canary in Show . 


Second Best Champion Lizard was a neat , tidy Clear Capped Gold Hen , again good feather, well defined Cap but not the clarity of Spangle that the Gold Cock had . this Bird was pushed very hard by a Clean well presented Broken Capped Gold Hen ,only spoilt by being too mealy around the neck ,but otherwise a lovely exhibit . Both of these Birds were  owned by Mr Richmond ,a very nice pair of young hens unlucky to come up against the winning Gold Cock .


Best Silver , and  Best Non Cap was a fine Cock ,although a well coloured exhibit it did not posses the linage and definition of the winning Golds . And to conclude the awards Best Over year in Show was a well coloured Broken Capped Gold Cock showing very little depreciation in the soundness of its tail and flights .Both of these Cocks came from Daniel Richmond's Shed , and helped to round off a very successful show Season for the Richmond Stud . 


Sadly there were no Novice exhibits . 


John Martin 

Copyright Southern Lizard Canary Club 2019

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