Wendover 2017. A Superb Non cap Gold Hen was selected by overseas Judge Tomas Hernandez at the recent Southern Lizard Canary Club open show writes John Record. Essex Novice exhibitor Darren Keeley must surely be proud of the stunning Lizard that shone in the sunshine at Wendover. Darren also staged second best in show with an equally eye catching Broken cap Gold hen. To complete the top Novices Tony Horton was awarded 3rd Best in show with a steady Broken cap Gold cock that a displayed wonderful spangle. Best Champion and forth Best Lizard belonged to Gary McCarthy with a broken cap Silver Hen. Fifth was Lizard was S.Bolton’s Non Cap Gold Hen. J. Martin benched 3rd Best Champion in show with a clear Cap gold cock and also best over year with a Clear Cap Gold cock
Full results:
Best in show, Best novice & best non Cap D Keeley
2nd Best in show and 2nd Best Novice D Keeley
3rd Best in show and 3rd Best Novice T Horton
4th Best in show, Best Champion G McCarthy
5th Best in show and 2nd best Champion S Bolton
3rd Best Champion, best over year J Martin
In addition to the winners Riddle & Page, D Higgins and L.Bridgeman staged birds of note. The level throughout the show was of a high standard with several birds displaying a very high quality, some were unlucky not to have made the top five. The Southern Lizard committee would like to thank Paula for her great effort in the kitchen, and for the sterling support of members Danny Higgins, Dave King & Gary McCarthy and John Martin.

Essex exhibitor Darren Keeley with his winning Gold Hen