Wendover 2022
Two exhibitors scooped the top prizes at the annual Southern Lizard Canary Club show at Wendover Bucks writes John Record. Despite three specialist Lizard shows occurring on the same day and avian flu preventing some members showing a decent entry just shy of 100 top class Lizards was before Judge Jeremy Goacher. In the end Buckinghamshire exhibitor Tony Horton was awarded Best in show with a natural broken cap silver hen, a lovely bird with wonderful spangles and deep ground colour. Tony also benched fourth and fifth best in show with a natural non cap gold cock and a natural clear cap gold cock respectively. David Newton completed the top five birds in show with second best (Broken cap silver hen and best Champion broken cap) third best in show (Clear cap silver cock and best Champion clear cap) both colour fed birds.
Many exhibitors staged one or more class winners these included G McCarthy, I Adcock, N& D Higgins, C De Santa Ana and J Record. Best Non cap in show went M. Atkinson a deep coloured non cap Gold hen.
The committee would like to thank all exhibitors and generous donations made to the club. Special thanks to Jeremy Goacher for judging, Gary McCarthy for his tireless work ably supported by Daniel Richmond and Carlos Santa Ana and John Record for supplying the lunches. Please note the show is moving to a Saturday next year. Details: 25th Anniversary show Saturday 25th November 2023 Wendover Memorial Hall, Wendover Buckinghamshire. Judge Chris Jordan.

Left SLCC banner proudly displayed in hall
Right Second best in show and best colour fed David Newtons Broken cap silver hen